Kids & Youth
Each of us is a beloved child of God. We are the hands, the feet, the face of God to one another.
What we teach our children in church about their place in the world and their relationship with others can leave a profound impression. At Peace, our education program for children enhances the worship experience by teaching them what we believe: in short, that each of us is a beloved child of God and that we are the hands, the feet, and the face of God to one another.
Through participation in worship, Bible study and youth activities, children and youth at Peace come to understand that their place in the world is to give and receive God’s love and grace.
It is an integral part of our mission that young people at Peace interact with all of our members in worship and service.
Kids Sunday Lesson (Peace Downtown, Sunday mornings, 10:30 am)
We invite children of all ages to participate in our Sunday school lesson during worship. Children are given space to learn, play, and discuss scripture in a kid-centric way, led by our compassionate and wise Peace teachers.
During the 2024 summer season, we are working through the Lord's Prayer. We will break it down into bite-size pieces, adding a new section each week, and we'll integrate a story from the Bible into our lesson.
Children’s Offering (Peace Downtown, Sunday mornings, 10:30 am)
Our children’s program participates in three special offerings throughout the year. We invite our kids to save coins and they get to see first-hand how something small can have a large impact. At the end of worship each week, children collect coins from our adult members, highlighting our kids’ important role in our church and building up intergenerational community.
Children's Special Offerings:
Lent: One Great Hour of Sharing
This year, Peace kids raised over $270 in coin collections
Click here for more information: https://www.ucc.org/giving/ways-to-give/our-churchs-wider-mission/one-great-hour-of-sharing/Summer: Summer offering is chosen by the children. This summer, we’ve been collecting money to purchase backpacks for children of migrant farm workers and Micah Ministries. Peace Kids have raised over $700 and were able to purchase every item requested by both organizations!
Advent: During Advent, our collection will be added to Peace Church's yearly Christmas Eve Offering.
Children & Youth Mission Activities
We organize regular mission activities that are children/youth-friendly, aiming to involve kids and their families in the social and environmental justice work that is so integral to our community.
Children’s Community Building Activities
We plan sporadic children’s community-building activities for our children to connect more intentionally. This is a great way for our children and their families to build deeper relationships.