Our Weekly Devotionals are created by our staff and members to inspire reflections and conversation.

New Communities
I’ve been thinking about how Paul didn’t write letters to individuals, but instead wrote letters to communities of faith. Paul didn’t write a letter to Bob in Corinth or Jane in Thessalonica. Paul’s letters addressed issues that were affecting all the people in those early Christian communities.

A Look Inside
It was the first day that Judy and I had ventured out into Barcelona on our own, and we decided that we’d use Rick Steve’s audio tour of the Gothic quarter to guide us in our wandering. His recorded voice guided us through our earbuds down narrow streets still filled with deep morning shadows, to a metal gate along the storefronts. We tentatively pulled it open and found ourselves in a dark alley that opened into a small bright courtyard.

The Trinity
I had a little work sabbatical in September and spent a glorious month in Spain. Part of that time, I walked on The Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage dating back to the 9th century. For people in the Middle Ages, this pilgrimage helped atone for sins and assure salvation. While it has lost much of its religious devotion, it still holds a spiritual component for most. Along the way, I talked to a man who said he walked the 500 miles to Santiago an atheist and walked home a Christian.

For Love or Money
So I’m listening to a podcast the other day and I guess I’m the last one to find out that Jeff Bezos is among the mega-rich investors in new medical technology that will basically slow down, or even stop, aging. Is it strange that my impulse is to say, “no, thanks”? Of course, my prayer is to live a long, healthy life. I want to be there for my kids, to offer support and to see them realize their dreams and their beautiful potential.

Last week I met a woman born at St. Luke’s Hospital on the same day as me. Delivered by the same doctor. She was born, and then I arrived exactly twelve hours later.
I was seeing her at Cherith Brook with Care Beyond the Boulevard. She has schizophrenia, is currently homeless and warned me her blood pressure might be high because she had used meth that day. She apologized for speaking so loudly, said her eardrums were perforated and therefore could never seem to regulate volume. She needed medicine and reassurance.

Safe Spaces
She lurked around the classrooms, noting the classes that had the “Safe Space” rainbow stickers displayed outside their doors. With her son in tow, she marched over to the unassuming counselor who was greeting our upcoming 5th graders, and proceeded to ask the counselor where the Christian teachers were.

Change Anyone? Anyone???
As I lean into a long holiday weekend today, I find myself reflecting upon the carousel of kaleidoscopic changes that have come to me and to our clan over the course of the last year plus.

Recently, I went camping for perhaps the first time in 15 years. Leading up to the trip, I was excited to enjoy the outdoors and get a break from my normal routine. When I researched camping supplies, the images online looked so peaceful and scenic.
Then, we arrived at the campsite.

At the beginning of this year, I was challenged to set goals guided by Danielle LaPorte’s book, The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul. I read the book and completed every single exercise. By the end, I had claimed five core desired feelings, one for each of the following categories: livelihood & lifestyle, body & wellness, creativity & learning, relationships & society, and essence & spirituality.

Emotions are Our Friends
We dropped Caleb off at the University of Central Missouri yesterday morning. After getting him settled, we left and came home. He has started a new chapter of his life. It was the reverse of when they handed us baby Elizabeth and told us to take her home from the hospital on the most dreary of February days. I didn’t feel ready to be a parent, and yesterday, with the warm sun shining on us, I didn’t feel ready to end my active parenting responsibilities.

The Little Things
I had a minor mishap this spring. One moment I was fine, and the next I was trying to decide if I should go to urgent care. I’d put a small basket of dog toys in my hall a few months before, and immediately thought “Wow, that’s a real hazard…” and then left it sitting right there, certain that it would not be a problem. Until my bare foot caught on it and suddenly, my foot began to swell and turn colors.

Does AI know who we are?
I asked ChatGPT if it knew its creators. It said, no, that it did not have any knowledge of its creators or any awareness of the world beyond the data it was trained on. It further explained that it lacked general intelligence and self-awareness, and therefore, does not "know" its creator in the same way that a human being might know and recognize its creators.

The Summer of Great Endeavors
In recent years I’ve looked forward to summer for the chance to enjoy the nature that surrounds me here in Kansas City and spend more time walking around the neighborhood, going to the Zoo, and maybe taking a road trip somewhere I wouldn’t normally go. This summer, with all that intended, I instead found myself by a particular series of circumstances working hard on several large projects at once.

Lately I have felt my body and mind relax. I have felt anxiety leave my fingers and toes and lips. I’m able to sit quietly. To read and to watch TV. I’m able to think better at work. Is it a stillness that comes from within? Spirit of God?
Maybe it’s a little of everything. And I don't take it for granted. I wake up each morning, grateful for another day. Grateful for strength and clarity. Fully aware that it could all leave in an instant.

Mountaintops and Wildflowers
I’m just back in my flatland home after a week in the mountains, same range, different peaks. Like many people, we have an almost spiritual need to get to the Rockies at least once a year. Sometimes the goal is simply to be surrounded by evergreens and Ponderosa pines (that’s what the tattoo on my left ankle is about), to see a blue sky from the top of the world, and put our feet in a clear mountain stream.

Red, White, and Blues
I have a confession to make: I am not a fan of Independence Day. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good fireworks display and picnic as much as the next person. And of course, I admire the Founders and the risks they took in blazing a new trail in this experiment we call America. Our country, despite whoever is in charge at the time, truly stands as a beacon of freedom and liberty.

“Those Eyes”
Over the past two and a half months life has shifted in a powerful, life altering way for me and the rest of our tribe with the arrival of Ava Kate. It’s difficult to put into words the increased depth of meaning and connection I have felt with the advent of the “Pops” portion of my life. I am privileged in so many ways and deeply blessed to a degree far more than I can possibly deserve, now or ever.

Moments of Joy
It was an “easy run,” the kind where I run as slow as necessary to keep my heartrate down. I ignored the pain that started gradually in my right foot midway through the run. It was only later that evening that the pain became sharp and demanded my attention. Over the next few days, I agonized about whether or how to keep training for the race I’d sign up for at the end of June.

Ring Theory
On January 21, 2013, Caleb had his first seizure. He was 8 years old. We had friends over for dinner and heard a loud crash. He was on the bathroom floor seizing. We called 911 and rode in an ambulance to Children's Mercy and was told by the ER doctor that Caleb probably fell, hit his head and this would never happen again. He said seizures happen to kids all the time and we shouldn’t worry.

Thank You
This is the last column that I will write for Peace Church. Next month, I will be moving to the Dallas-Fort Worth area to live near my son and daughter-in-law. In my nearly eight years in the Kansas City area, I have experienced some exhilarating highs and devastating lows.